Be the Astronaut:
Course & Mission Summary
Mission 1: Launch in a rocket from the Earth’s surface into orbit.
Mission 1: Fly an interplanetary spaceship across the translunar gulf and perform an insertion burn into orbit around the Moon.
Mission 2: Pilot a lander safely to the Moon’s surface.
Mission 3: Drive a rover on the Moon, into the depths of the Whipple Crater.
Mission 1: Fly an interplanetary spaceship towards Mars and rendezvous with a much-needed refueling tank.
Mission 2: Pilot an aeroshell lander through a fiery descent and land in a canyon on Mars.
Mission 3: Drive a rover on Mars, through the Labyrinth of Night.
Mission 1: Fly an interplanetary spaceship towards Ceres (in the Asteroid Belt) and use the robotic arm to grapple and berth a new fuel tank.
Mission 2: Perform an insertion burn into orbit around Ceres and pilot a lander to its surface.
Mission 3: Drive a rover on Ceres.
Mission 4: Fly from Ceres to Jupiter.